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Ship Repairer's Liability

Covers the Insured's control over ship and machinery repair

Why Choose AIG for Ship Repairer's Liability?

Repairing activities such as painting or sand blasting, engine repairs, maintenance, replacement parts or machinery, conversions, jumbo-isation, and testing play a crucial role for the maintenance of the machinery, equipment, or vessel. If they are not properly done, they may cause disruption to the operation.

We understand the importance of repairing activities and the risks that may arise from it. This enables us to fully ensure our clients with comprehensive coverage.

The AIG Advantage

AIG Ship Repairer's Liability Solutions

  • Ship repairers

Indemnifies against liability for damage to vessel, machinery and equipment of the vessel while it is under the care, custody, and control of the ship repairer and third party liability arising from ship repairing operations of the Insured.

When you buy insurance from AIG, you can have confidence that we stand ready to help you recover quickly when the unexpected happens. The claims operation that underpins every AIG policy is one of our greatest strengths, with a strong local claims team backed by our global network of expertise to support you when you face a loss.

For claims associated with Charterer's Legal Liability, please reach out to your insurance broker to assist you. You may also contact us at:

Phone:  +63 2 8 878 5460
