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Innovative solution for cyber liabilities.     8 878-5400    PDF

Why Choose AIG for CyberEdge®

Criminals can attack from anywhere in the world using the Internet, making them harder to track down. They are good at being one step ahead of the system's secutiry measures and softwares that are put in place. Furthermore, data leaks and data losses can lead to regulatory fines and PR nightmares, while cyber attacks could lead to shut-down of servers and loss of both the management's confidence and possibly, the company's profits.

AIG provides a package of solutions that includes insurance and specialist advice. If your defenses are breached, we’ll help you get back to business as usual. From our innovative loss prevention tools, which help educate and potentially prevent a cyber-security breach, to the services of our Data Crisis Response Panel if a breach does occur, our customers receive responsive guidance every step of the way.

The AIG Advantage

AIG CyberEdge® Solutions

CyberEdge® caters for clients in financial institutions, technology and communications, medical/healthcare, and professional services industries. It offers an end-to-end risk management solution to stay ahead of the curve of cyber risk. This product helps clients in preventing and safeguarding against sensitive data breaches, computer hacking, employee error and more.