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Environmental Impairment Liability

Covering business from a range of liabilities and exposures, For further information about our suite of Casualty products, you may reach out to us through the number below.

8 878-5410

Why Choose AIG for Environmental Insurance?

Clients in various industries are subject to environmental risk and liability, creating a need for comprehensive coverage that addresses their exposures. AIG offers two products under Environmental Impairment Liability that are developed in response to the environmental exposures faced by businesses today.

AIG Environmental Impairment Liability Solutions

Environmental insurance cover designed to address risks faced by contractors against pollution releases, including third-party bodily injury and property damage claims, as well as clean-up costs arising from pollution released due to covered operations and work performed.

Environmental insurance cover designed for fixed operating facilities. It provides comprehensive cover to address the environmental risks and exposures faced by businesses. It covers costs related to third-party bodily injury and property damage, legal costs, and clean-up costs.